Ultra freak comics : Sygnosis


The about page


A little about me....

  • real name: Max Coutard
  • age: 14 years old (that's right!)
  • current age: 15
  • occupations: drawing, messing with the computer, creating comics and some other stuff

Welcome, and if you are reading this, then you having  nothing else to do...

I'm live in Canada (he's canadian!) and I go to a school called "Dunton Academy". Most of the teachers are nice , but some of them are really bitchy, annoying and sometimes immensely boring!

You are probably wondering why  I  created this comic? Well, all of this started when I was nearing the end of grade 8....(whoopee, a flashback!)

I  had just completed my first comic book, Star G.T.S (It's another story all together.) when I got the idea of putting it on the web. But, there were a few problems, I didn't have a scanner, even though I'm fully capable of drawing with a mouse, I have a very short attention span... Ooh look, a butterfly on the window!... As I was saying, I also didn't have a clue about creating websites, until I consulted my Computer lab professorand told me about HTML. So, a few days later, I went the school library and found a great book on HTML. The next few days, I studied the book, noted some stuff, practised with Microsoft FrontPage, so I was ready to create my very own site. Until I realized that still didn't have a scanner, so The project was a flop. [ for those who might be brain-dead, I hand-drew my comic, hence the scanner. ]

During my summer vacation, I was still thinking about that project and I thought I learned HTML for nothing, but then I remembered that my friend had told me about Angelfire . So I hurried to my computer and signed up for an account.In less than I day, I got the hang of it ( I'm a very fast learner...ahem...). I wanted my site to become a resource for web comics but it really sucked. Another project down the hole (hee hee...hole!).

I was really down, so I left the damn site and went on... I was on the net, searching  for stuff on Megaman, when I accidently came upon Bob and George, the comic strip. The comic was great, I couldn't get enough of it I wanted more, more...MORE! I was compelled to do something, no I didn't go on the net and opened this site! That would be one sucky story if it ended like that... I did the next best thing, I submitted a fancomic! but first I needed some sprites and I got the them form variuos places, that's not very important. I sent some  fancomics under the name: ultra freak. A few days later, my fancomics were on BnG. When I saw them, I was overwhelemed by a feeling of  immense joy! That's when I started to go only to see my fancomics, it was like a drug and I wanted more, more....MORE! (Crap! I'm doing it again!) So I  searched for a web host, because Angelfire was sometimes closed. I found Stormpages.com!  . That's were Ultra Freak comics made it's real appeareance! Everything was going great, I had plenty of visitors, but updating my site manually got really, really annoying. That's when I got smart, I signed up with keenspace, because I aware that it had automatic updates... but that's not all I still had to have story to make a real good comic (if that exists:)) Then, it clicked how about the cast of MM involed in freaky events! It's when I made my apperence that it really started! And as they say, "the rest is spaghetti... I mean, history!"


People always ask me, since I create a lot of comics on paper: "How can create some many different characters with different personnalites?"

I answer: "It's because I have multiple personnalites, litterally... "  


archives.gif (1383 bytes)about.gif (1291 bytes)cast.gif (1258 bytes)fanz.gif (1238 bytes)misc.gif (1359 bytes)contact.gif (1340 bytes)
Q: What's with the name, Ultra freak?
A: That's  because I wanted a name that reflected my personnality.

Q: Is Percy a dog ?
A: God damn! No he isn't! He's a Genitically Enhanced Organism (G.E.O) and happens to be a oversized hamster! A giant, yellow, intelligent, speach enabled hamster!

Q: Why should we read your comic when we can read some other ones?
A: Because, I have a lot of imagination and that comes in handy when you have a comic!  

Q: Is there a size requirement for fanart?
Actually, there isn't! You can send in any size fanart, as long if it's in a .gif or .jpeg format, I also except .png.

Q: Do you except any kind of fanart?
Yes! It can be a drawing, a comic, fanfic, anything! It could also be a flash animation! It just has to be in good taste...heh!

Q: Why is DR.Light so perverted?
This shall be revealed in a later storyline.... I love stalling!

Q: Can I link to you, without telling you?
Of course! If you want to, you can tell me and I'll link back to you. If you want to affiliate, you have to let me know of that.

Q: Will you ever put up a forum?
Probably.... I don't know which to choose, the one from keenspace or EZboard...

If you have any questions, things you want to know send it to me.



Thank you! list

  1. Silvia Bonilla: she promoted my site, and encouraged me all the way!
  2. Hyacithe-Blais-Marceau: he also promoted my site and goes on my site everyday...
  3. Martin Desormeaux: he visits my site everyday too(I bet...)
  4. Salomon Joseph: visits regularily and comments on my comics!

   To all of you, I thank you for being there for me...